WEB3 in Other languages

There is no doubt about "Web3 is become a game-changer for upcoming technologies and the world is ready to pay for huge. Currently, Web3 is developed by JavaScript by using the Web3.js library. And rather than using web3.py, a python-based library.

Mostly, JavaScript and Python were used for this development. But the reality is, we can see the web3 in many languages.

Here, let's see about the contribution of web3 in other languages.

Java - web3j https://github.com/web3j/web3j

Those who know Java, they can make their web3 by using web3j. Web3j is a lightweight, highly modular, reactive, type-safe Java and Android library for working with Smart Contracts and integrating with Ethereum blockchains.  

Rust - https://docs.rs/web3/latest/web3/

The rust language is one of the most important languages in Blockchain Technology. Developers are building dApps for Web3 applications in Defi, gaming, NFTs, and metaverses using the Rust programming language.


Scala - Web3 Scala

Web3scala allows seamless integration with Ethereum blockchain, using Scala programming language.


Go - https://github.com/chenzhijie/go-web3

Golang is a system programming language for building networked, distributed services. This language supports Ethereum development and web3 also.


PHP - Web3.php

Web3.php is a PHP interface for connecting and interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. It is open-source and can be used to get blockchain data and interact with deployed contracts. 



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