Decentralized applications - The advanced level of Applications.


Most of the applications run in centralized networks controlled by a single authority. Social media applications are some examples and these services have our data in centralized servers.

While this centralization is efficient, it generates a huge amount of data and that means it leads to unwanted exposure to hacks, etc. As the same, these data were sold to others for making a profit.

So, the applications built on blockchain technology can help to reduce these issues and those applications are called "Decentralized applications."

What are Decentralized applications?

Decentralized applications or Dapps are applications that run on the blockchain or peer-to-peer computer instead of a single computer. The application’s data and records of operation must be cryptographically stored in a public, decentralized blockchain in order to avoid any central points of failure. 

The concept of decentralized application was enabled by blockchain platforms that support smart contracts, like Ethereum.

DApps can provide the same quality of service that regular apps are capable of, while at the same time enjoying full advantages of decentralization, such as almost constant uptime and resistance to censorship and corruption.

Features of Dapps

🔸 They are decentralized i.e. They are free from control and the absence of single authority.

🔸It is running in Blockchain nodes and there is no single point of failure.

🔸DApps are completely open-source.

🔸They are more secure than traditional apps.

🔸They are censorship-resistant.

Types of DApps

Depending on the use case and protocol layer, DApps can be classified into three categories.

i)   Type1  - Type I decentralized applications have their own blockchain.

ii)  Type2  - Type II decentralized applications use the blockchain of a type I decentralized application. 

iii) Type3  - Type III decentralized applications use the protocol of type II decentralized applications.

DApps used for:-

🔸 Crypto wallets

🔸 Decentralized exchanges

🔸 social media

🔸 Games

🔸 Finance

DApps look familiar on the front end, the back end exists on a decentralized database instead of a centralized server and it is built on decentralized networks, while traditional apps live on centralized networks.


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